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M.K. Pandey Reasoning ebook free download

M.K. Pandey Ebook free download for various competitive examination (best book to master your syllogism skills).

The book 'Analytical Reasoning’ is an effective study material to work on one’s logical and Reasoning skills. Authored by M.K. Pandey, the book is specially published keeping in mind the formats and requirements of various competitive exams. It focuses on establishing the basics around the topic of logic and reasoning. The author uses clear and logical language using comprehensive descriptions of topics like Data Sufficiency, Strengthening and Weakening Arguments, Coded Relationships, Analytical Decision-Making and Evaluating Inferences and explains effectively, allowing the students to grasp the key concepts.
To help students in planning their studies efficiently, this book is divided in two segments: Reasoning based on Logic and Reasoning based on Rules. Reasoning based on logic contains segments like basics of logic, assumptions, evaluating inferences and forcefulness of arguments etc. The second section of Reasoning based on Rules contains segments like syllogism, analytical decision, input-output miscellaneous, coded inequalities and problem solving etc. Various competitive examinations like CAT and GMAT include Analytical Reasoning in their syllabus and hence it is crucial for students to have complete knowledge of this subject. This book provides ample knowledge and sheds light on all crucial aspects of Analytical Reasoning. The focus of this book is on basics of the subject of logic and reasoning and includes discussions on argument-based questions, assumption-based questions as well as questions based on inference. It provides the students with all the necessary skill set and trick set to solve the logical and analytical reasoning problems in competitive exams quickly and more importantly correctly. Along with complete details of topics, this study material offers students enough practice through questions. Every chapter begins with important points, detailed explanation and has questions for practice at the end. The questions are selected keeping in mind the needs and structure of competitive exams. It is an ideal book for building a strong foundation for analytical reasoning.
About the publisher
BSC Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. is one of the popular publishing houses in India which provides quality study material for competitive exams. BSC began their journey with its magazine Banking Services Chronicle which became highly popular and was widely read by students preparing for banking exams. The success of this magazine inspired BSC to create study material for other competitive exams and today it publishes useful books for various entrance examinations. Precision and meticulous research is BSC’s specialty.
Paperback edition of this useful book 'Analytical Reasoning’ by M.K. Pandey is available online at So, order it and prepare effectively for your exams!

Click here to download M.K. Pandey Analytical reasoning ebook in free


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